- Auto: "&aYou can get a reward every hour by using /ad !"
- Wait: "&cYou have to wait an hour before each advertising view !"
- Reward: "&aReward obtained !"
- Join: "&eYou can use /ad to watch an ad and earn a reward !"
- Update: "&eA new version of the plugin is available !===Reminder: The earnings are reduced if you do not have the latest version of the plugin."
- Internet: "&cA problem occurred while connecting to the internet !"
- NoConsole: "&cThis command can't be used by the console !"
- NoPermission: "&cThis command can't be used by the console !"
- BasicHelp: "&eUtilisation : &l/monetizer help"
- WrongCommand: "&cWrong command ! Please use &l/monetizer help"
- NoUse: "&cYou cannot use this command !"
- HelpPattern: "&e&l%command%&r &l-&r &e%description%"
- HelpDescription: "See the list of all commands"
- ManageDescription: "Open the monetization management menu"
- AdDescription: "Watch an advertisement"
- AdcDescription: "Watch an advertisement ( configurable )"
- PlayerOnly: "[PLAYER ONLY]"
- Payment: "&a&lPayment request made !ยงr===&aYou will receive your money automatically in a few days, be patient !"
- NoOwner: "&cThere is no owner defined on for this server !===To define one, use /monetizer manage."
- LoadingWord: "Loading"
- OwnerItem: "&eOwner management"
- AlreadyOwner: "&cYou are already the owner !"
- NowOwner: "&aYou are now the owner! The income generated by server is associated with your minecraft account."
- TestItem: "&eTest the system"
- ClickAction: "Click to open !"
- PaymentItem: "&ePayment"
- OwnerReserved: "&cThis menu is reserved for the owner !"
- NoUpdatesItem: "&aNo updates"
- NoFound: "&eNo updates found, you have the latest version of the plugin."
- UpdatesItem: "&b&lUpdate available !"
- CloseItem: "&c&lClose"
- PaymentWord: "Payment"
- GetItem: "&eGet via paypal"
- PaymentWait: "&cPlease wait until your last payment has been made."
- SeriousError: "&c&lA serious error has occurred, please contact MaximePremont."
- PaymentMin: "&cYou need at least 15 euros !"
- DonateItem: "&eMake a donation"
- Thanks: "&a&lThank you very much for your donation !"
- DonateMin: "&cYou need at least 0,01 euros !"
- BackItem: "&7&lBack"
- EnterPaypal: "&bEnter the email address of your paypal account in the minecraft chat, then send (other players will not see it). Be very careful not to make a mistake before sending."
- ClickCancel: "[CLICK TO CANCEL]"
- Canceled: "&cAction canceled !"
- OwnerLore: "&7Server manager player"
- OwnerName: "&dOwner : %name%"
- NoOne: "&oNo one"
- NoBecomeOwner: "&8&mClick to become the owner"
- BecomeOwner: "&3Click &7to become the owner"
- TestLore: "&7Watch an ad without delay===&7for testing"
- NoTesting: "&8&mClick for testing"
- DefineOwner: "&cYou must first define an owner !"
- Testing: "&3Click&7 for testing"
- UpdateLore: "&cThe earnings are reduced===&cif you do not have the latest===&cversion of the plugin"
- CheckUpdate: "&3Click ยง&to check if there===&7is an update"
- StatsItem: "&aStatistics :"
- TotalClicks: " &a- Total clicks : %clicks%"
- RestartClicks: " &a- Last restart clicks : %restart%"
- PaymentLore: "&7Get the money back"
- Money: "&6Money : %money%"
- PaymentOpen: "&3Click &7to open the payment menu"
- NoPaymentOpen: "&8&mClick to open the payment menu"
- ReservedBasic: "&cReserved for the owner"
- CloseLore: "&3Click &7for closing"
- GetLore: "&7Get your money back on paypal"
- NoEnterPaypal: "&8&mClick to enter your paypal===address"
- WaitLore: "&cPlease wait until your last===&cpayment has been made."
- EnterPaypalLore: "&3Click &7to enter your paypal address"
- DonateLore: "&7Donate to creator of Monetizer"
- Donating: "&3Click &7to donate"
- NoDonating: "&8&mClick to donate"
- BackLore: "&3Click&7 to return to===&7main menu"
- Disconnected: "&cAn error occurred during connection !"
- Offline: "&cAn error occurred during connection !"
- Maintenance: "&b&lThe Monetizer plugin is under maintenance"
- IncreaseItem: "&6Increase earnings :"
- Enabled: "&a&lEnabled"
- Disabled: "&c&lDisabled"
- IncreaseLore: "&eActivating this option in the===&econfiguration increases the===&egains by adding an adf.ly===&epage but may displease===&esome users."
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