本帖最后由 滑稽抱抱 于 2022-4-22 09:21 编辑
鸽置了很长的汉化工作它又开始了日常滑稽,这几天小区隔离了,所以闲着没事就汉化了这个附加包,这个附加包还是挺有用的,在原版中,盾牌可以说是对于新手玩家非常不利,因为它需要铁这种物资,然而在这个附加包中,你用木头就可以做一个简易的盾牌! 放个测试小片片 Raiyon's More Shields Addon 更多盾牌附加包 Are you bored of the typical vanilla shield? 你厌倦了原版盾牌吗? Are you looking for an addon for 1.18? 你正在找一个1.18版本也适用的addon吗? If so, this addon is for you adding more than 10 new unique and functional shields! 如果的确如此,那么你就来对了!这个附加包为你提供了超过10个新颖且具有独一无二功能的盾牌!
by holding this shield in your hand illuminate your surroundings 带有防御效果的手电筒! 仙人掌盾牌 拿起盾牌,靠近你的怪会收到伤害(注意实测只能攻击怪物,猪牛羊什么的正常生物攻击不了,下同) 铁盾
when covering you with this shield the nearby mobs will receive damage 拿起盾牌,靠近你的怪会收到伤害 熔岩盾
covering you with this shield will burn nearby mobs 试想怪物靠近满是岩浆的你,会发生什么呢(岩浆怪就算了) 潜影盾 covering yourself with this shield will give nearby mobs the levitation effect
靠近你的怪物都会悬浮 史莱姆盾牌
when covering himself with this shield he will push the nearby mobs a lot 周围的怪物撞在盾牌上会被直接弹开很远(这把盾搭配弓最爽了) 紫水晶盾牌
一定几率反弹伤害 原木盾牌 this shield works like a normal shield, it is an alternative and cheaper version of a normal shield 一样的防御效果,更易得的制作材料 简易木盾 It can be made with any type of wood and works like any normal shield, except that for each hit it covers, it has a 10% chance to break
10%的几率破防 下界合金盾
when you cover yourself with this shield it will give you fire resistance effect, this shield has 2 variants 有了这把盾可以直接跳岩浆!这把盾还能抗火,把它扔进岩浆不会像别的物品直接消失!这把盾有两种形态 第一幅合成图是绯红镶木板的,第二幅合成图是诡异菌镶木板 黑金盾 having this shield in hand the piglins will not attack you 持有盾牌后僵尸猪灵不会攻击你 钻石盾牌
when you cover yourself with this shield it will remove negative effects like wither, poison, slowness, weakness, etc 消除绝大多数负面效果,比如凋零、中毒、虚弱等等... 唤魔者之盾
持有它会像唤魔者一样召唤唤魔者之牙 橡木(铜、铁、金)盾
Oak Copper Shield:This shield when covered is like any normal shield but during a storm it strikes lightning 与原版盾牌效果相同,只是在雷雨天容易遭雷劈(铜它终于有用了,最起码不是避雷针这种东西了,不是吗) Oak Gold Shield:Having this shield in hand the piglins will not attack you 持有盾牌后僵尸猪灵不会攻击你 Oak Iron Shield:This is an alternative shield to the normal shield 相较于原版盾牌更好看 回复后下载:临时显示https://baobao666.lanzoum.com/ici1Y01c67pc 往期回顾
2.一级方程式赛车模组汉化: 3.泰拉瑞亚武器附加包汉化: 4.更多3D武器——战锤汉化: https://klpbbs.com/thread-15004-1-1.html